Z’s school has several different dress up days celebrating how long they have been in school. I love costumes and vintage clothes so I took the opportunity and ran with it. Or, at least as much as I could without spending any money. Actually, I did spend about $5 total because I bought a couple items from the thrift store. Seriously though, the bell bottoms were in a 50 cents bin. You can’t beat that!

His elementary school kicked it all off with 50’s day which was on the 50th day of school. Of course there is the obvious Grease Lighting look with the white tshirt and leather jacket, but I did my research and this outfit is equally suitable.

It’s kind of Richie Cunningham from Happy Days. 
Then we move into the 70’s for the 70th day of school. Once again, I do realize they were expecting all the boys to come in tie dye (because that was the suggested attire), but after relentless online searches it looked like this ensemble could work.

This time the inspiration was more like Eric Foreman from that 70s show.
Then last week, after being bumped back several times due to snow, we celebrated the 80th day of school. That’s right, the 80’s. I am old enough to have a child dress like the decade that I am from. Weird. 

We went with Mario Brothers for this one because the game is from the 80’s, and he needed a haircut anyway so I went all out and gave him a  mohawk. 
He looked adorable. The only problem was that everything that he said with the mohawk made him sound like a little punk. For example even though he might have said “I can’t believe it’s time for bed” It sounds more like a teenager voice “I can’t believe you are making me go to bed MOM! That’s totally lame. I have to fight for my right to party.” Aside from that he looks cute. I have never shaved his head and I don’t plan on it, so until it all grown back he will rock the hawk. 
We have one month left before the 4th and final dress up day. For the 100th day of school the students will dress like they are 100 years old! So instead of a blast from the past it’s more like a portal into the future. I’ve got big plans for the little old man. Stay tuned!