I am waaaaay behind on this announcement, but I wanted to get some pictures together to show you guys and so I am ready now. Drumroll please…. I have a new baby niece.

Photo Credit: Brandon Weaver 

She is actually about to turn two months old. She is a precious little bundle and we are so blessed to have her as a part of the family. This makes 6 grandchildren in six years for my parents.  

1. 2007

2. 2010

3. 2010

4. 2012

5. 2012

6. 2014

So, both of the “Jeremy and Natalies” have 3 kids now. The baby tag team system has been great, and I know people are used to having at least one of the two Natalies pregnant,  but I just want to put the rumors to rest and let everyone know that I am not expecting. It sure is nice having a teeny tiny around again though. These cousins are barrels of fun. It just keeps getting better.