I am excited about my little boy turning 4. I really am. I have heard nothing but great things about this age. If I were honest I would say that 3 was kind of a rough age for my little guy.

He understood a lot more than he did at 2 and there were less tantrums, but it was still a time of testing. There was the broken glasses incident which accelerated the upgrade from his baby glasses to his first pair of kids prescription lenses. We also had a couple trips to the ER to discover his first broken bone, and first set of stitches. We experienced a little run in with shoplifting. Whether he knew what he was doing at the time is debatable, but he certainly knows now.
We had a lot of positive milestones too though. It was at three years old that he learned all of his letters and the sounds. He is starting to sound words out and should be able to read very simple words soon! He also knows his street, city and state and what the American flag looks like. He is obsessed with geography. His favorite puzzle is what he calls the TEXAS puzzle, which is hilarious because it’s actually the U.S. and Canada and he knows this. Typical Texan I guess.

One time he was drawing directions on his magnadoodle and placing markers on locations saying “this is H.E.B., and here is our Lighthouse (church), and all of this is on Texas.” I was impressed and I asked him if he was creating a map. When he said yes I said “is that fun to you?” Of course I am just a little befuddled by his fascination, as an adult I admit to having the WORST sense of direction and have never really figured out how to read maps.
The other day I was updating the baby books and I finally got to fill in his favorite color, and the time he first dressed himself (orange and February 25). His entire baby book is almost finished and I could cry just thinking about. He is not a baby or a toddler anymore. He is a bright, adventurous, energetic little kid though, and I can’t wait to see what to see what the next year will bring.