Friday was the big day for SJ to have three major tests done in order to possibly have more insight to her hearing loss and also review her candidacy for the cochlear implant. The first test was the ABR and the results came back the same as last time. She has profound hearing loss in both ears. 

She also had an MRI and CAT scan, but we won’t know any results for these tests for a couple more weeks. All three tests were done while SJ was sedated, but it was a light anesthesia and she handled it really well. She had to fast for about 15 hours total and then she was allowed some juice, followed by soft foods, and eventually solids.

It didn’t take long for her to bounce back. I captured this little dance routine that evening. 
She’s trying to copy all the moves from the Fresh Beat Band including the dancers that flip across the stage! 
That night I took Z to an outdoor movie at his school.
I was glad he had a chance to unwind after being at the hospital with us all day. 
I never want him to feel overshadowed or neglected in the midst of what we are going through with SJ. He seems to handle it all just fine for now. I have not seen even one ounce of resentment. He loves his sister very much. I know what it’s like to be in his shoes. I was his age when my little brother was diagnosed with Leukemia, so I can remember what it is like to have a younger sibling that is needing constant medical attention. It’s a different situation, but  similar enough that I feel like I have some insight. In fact, it’s similar enough that my mom can relate to my situation. She knows what it is like to suddenly become an expert on a medical condition that you had no previous experience with. Or to be overwhelmed with Doctors, tests, and appointments while caring for the rest of your family. She also knows how it feels to suddenly drop everything to nurture a child that has special needs, to fight for them, and make major decisions on their behalf.
I don’t know why things happen the way that they do, but God has a plan and He has written my story (Psalm 139:16). You just never know when your personal testimony will be the encouragement that someone needs and right now my mom is one of the many people that have been an encouragement to me because of what she has been through, and I hope that I can offer that kind of compassion for Z.