When Z looses teeth it’s a production. I don’t mean that he is dramatic about it, but it’s never as simple as- Tooth falls out. Goes under pillow. Tooth fairy comes. The end.

 It all began on Christmas eve of 2012. I have it documented here on Messy Mom. He lost his first tooth Christmas eve, which I am sure made the tooth fairy excited because that meant she could carpool with Santa. Much to our surprise when Z woke up Christmas morning there were two teeth missing. I panicked thinking he swallowed it, but he informed us that he stuck it under his pillow in the middle of the night. We were lucky enough to be able to sneak the tooth out from underneath his pillow and replace it with an additional dollar while he was explaining the whole story, but it was a close one.

The next significant lost tooth happened in June last year. It was after church and the kids were running around like wild maniacs, the way they always do when church lets out. Suddenly Z freaks out and announced that he lost his tooth. He literally lost it. I once again was worried that he swallowed it. Although, I don’t know why that is such a concern of mine. If he did swallow it he obviously hadn’t choked. Fortunately a friend of ours spotted the little lost tooth and we were able to save it for the tooth fairy that evening.

It was cute to see him missing that front tooth. He seemed like such a big boy. Then several months went by and he was still sporting that hillbilly look. Month after month his tooth did not come in.

He had swim lessons, the first day of school, his 6th birthday, his first school photo, Halloween, everything over the coarse of the next 6 months took place without that front tooth! Why was the other front tooth so far behind? Was it going to fall out the moment the first one grew in? I began to wonder.

Eventually in November he lost the other front tooth.

It was just in time for him to sing the classic “all I want for Christmas is my two front teeth” and that’s what he got.

They both grew in together right at Christmas time which leads me to believe the first one came out a little prematurely. There is a backstory that I hadn’t mentioned. There is always a backstory.

The day Z lost his tooth at the church the kids were playing around with a child harness. You know, the kind that looks like a little animal back pack with a tail. Or some people compare it to a leash. I don’t necessarily like to think of it like that, but it doesn’t help when SJ has Z parading around in public on all fours while she walks him. She was very serious about this. These photos were taken on the day Z lost his tooth.

Apparently at the time of the incident she was wearing the back pack and he was pulling on the handle with his teeth. One swift jerk from her and out flew the tooth. He bled a little, but he didn’t seem that upset, so I guess it helped that it was a baby tooth that would have come out anyway. Although, maybe it would have waited a few months if it didn’t have the extra encouragement.

A while later he lost another tooth, like LOST lost, again. He probably did swallow it, I don’t know. I felt bad for him though, so I left a note from the tooth fairy stating that she heard he had lost a tooth and gave him a dollar anyway. So Z responded with a note of his own along with returning the money. I guess his conscience couldn’t handle the weight of accepting a gift when he had nothing to give? I dunno. He’s one of kind that kid. Here is the letter.

I’ll translate it for you

 “Dear The Tooth Fairy,
You are cool and I loved that card that you sent me. And I love you. The End. Yours.” 

I like how he tried to copy the cursive signature I left on the original note. So cute.

And here is his drawing

Those are all of Z’s tooth stories, at least for now. I guess he’s not quite half way done, but I am expecting the rest to be a little less eventful.