On Tuesday I got a comment that said “you are so great with your list”. I haven’t always had lists or goals and the ones that I’ve had haven’t always been successful. A year ago I participated in Oh Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday for the first time and my list was 10 Things I am looking forward to this summer. Then 3 months later I was able to review the list and find that I had accomplished all of it! It was so encouraging and motivating that I have done it for fall and spring too. It doesn’t always mean that I will do all 10 things, like the time I said we would go to Scarborough fair, but it does help. I know I would have never had that yard sale if it wasn’t on my list. So even though it’s a little late here is the 10 things I am looking forward to Summer 2011.

1. Dress Like a Cow day at Chic Fil A
Our second year to participate.
2. My birthday
I know I shouldn’t care about birthdays, but mother’s day was such a dud this year, and I figure I am allowed one day a year to be about me so we’ll see how my birthday turns out on Monday.
3. Watermelons from the garden
We already have some, but they aren’t that big yet. I can’t wait to eat the first one.
4. Reconnecting with old friends all over the country
The biggest thing going on this summer or year for that matter, is our crazy cross country road trip extravaganza. It all goes down in 3 weeks and you’ll hear all about it I’m sure.
5. Camping in Canada
Part of that trip consist of going over the border for a great white north adventure.
6. J’s Birthday in Michigan
Another part of this trip will be visiting our friend’s in Michigan and J will be turning a big number I won’t disclose.
7. Z’s Awesome Veggie Tales Birthday Party
Yeah, we have a lot of summer birthdays in this family.
8. Going to see some summer blockbusters
I was going to put my first 3D movie on this list, but turns out I can’t see 3D. More on that later.
9. Taking a picture each day for my 365 project
It’s a flickr thing that I am thinking about doing for my final year in my twenties.
10. Getting our first egg.
It should happen by the end of the summer. We’ll see.