Just when I think we went straight from winter to summer here in south Dallas, it starts getting cool again and it happened literally overnight. I went to check the weather this weekend and this is what I foundWe were technically about to go from the 90’s to the 40’s. There is an old saying that

“there ain’t nothin’ between Texas and the North Pole but an old barbed-wire fence and its down most of the time”
This means that there isn’t much to slow down the polar and arctic air masses that move rapidly across Texas battling the southernly winds (so I’ve been told). This does leave a fair amount of unpredictability in how to dress myself and the two little ones each morning. Flip flops and a bright yellow flower headband one day, fuzzy boots and fuchsia tights the next. Eh, for the baby, not me.

If I ever get an iphone I want the swackett app so that these cool little “peeps” can tell me what to wear everyday.
What is the weather doing in your neck of the woods? Have you pulled out your sunflower hair clip yet or is it still too soon?