As of today we have all of the money for SJ’s summer school tuition. This school year wraps up on Friday with an ice cream party and she starts “preschool” on Tuesday. So far all of her time at Ohio Valley Voices has been spent in the toddler program. This should make for a smooth transition because she will begin with half days in 3-5 year old preschool program and in the fall she’ll start full days.

SJ is now 6 months old as far as hearing and she continues to make great strides every day. There are times I am still in disbelief that she can hear. If we are looking at a book I can say “choo choo” and she will point to the train and do her own version of a train sound. One day she was pointing up at the drinks and I said “juice?” Her eyes got really big and she pointed to her feet. I laughed and said “not shoes. Juice.” I was ecstatic. Just the fact that she can mishear me is a miracle. We weren’t doing anything with shoes, but she was listening  and thought she heard a word that she knew. YAY!

This month she has started saying down, shoes, I want, outside, and where all on her own. They still sound pretty rough, but she has vocabulary and that’s huge. We’ll work on articulation later. I get notes from her teachers all the time and they are so encouraging. Here is just one example from May 14

“I think today was the best day I’ve ever had with SJ! She was so engaged, happy, and willing to attempt new words. She gave me a great approximation for “I want pink” and “help me.” I am so excited for her and the entire family”

I do not take for granted how blessed we are to have such a great school, and loved ones that care so much that they are committed to pray for SJ and sponsor her this summer. If you donated I will be sending out formal thank you notes and updates. Even though I know we have so much work ahead of us I really believe that this is going to be the fun part.

All of the photos were taken at SJ’s school and were on her donation page.