This was a really busy week for me. I am not as excited about this transaction as I was last week. It’s still not a bad deal though I got all of these items for less than a dollar each ($7.88 total) and got $16.50 back in ecb’s.

It would have been less money out of pocket though if I would have done more transactions.
Contact solution- $8.99 -$1Q
Crest Pro Health- $3.49 -$1Q
2 Oral B tooth brushes- $2.99 each -$2Q each
2 Right Guard Body wash- $3.88 each -B1G1Q
2 m&m easter eggs- $.99 each -$1Q
2 Extra 15 slice gum- $.99 each -$1 Q
– $11.50 in ecb.
Total out of pocket $7.88
Total amount saved this week= $32.30
Total savings this month= $101.71
The Thrifty Mama and Money Saving Mom are where I find my deals!