I’ve always been the non-preschool mom. I feel like with 13 + years of formal structured education and then onto adulthood I don’t see any reason to rush into things (for my kids). However, it’s different with SJ.  She is going to need extra help from people that are trained in working with hearing loss. She is in an early intervention program already. Once she turns 3 (in 3 months) she will begin full time preschool. I am completely out of my element when it comes to applying to preschool. Everything I do know comes from the quirky documentary Nursery University.

Fortunately we do not live in Manhattan where the competition is one spot for every 15 applicants. Still, much like the documentary depicts, it does feel similar to trying to get into college. There’s the funding, the location, and eligibility. I have had a couple consultations with two different schools already and I just got off the phone with SJ’s service coordinator who called to set up another meeting.

 There are 3 schools that want to enroll SJ. She could go to the public school where she would be thrown in a special ed program with 20 other kids with varying special needs. I have been strongly advised by her Doctors that we should not go this route, but I still met with them because the public school could potentially fund her private school education depending on what hoops we jump through. The other options are both deaf oral schools. She has play group at one in Louisville that I absolutely love, but the location is further from everything that we moved here for. The 3rd option is moving to Ohio where there is another private school for the deaf. We’ve had the tour and been faxing and mailing forms back and forth to get things started. This school would still be considerably further from where we want to be, but within an hour from the church and family so it’s doable.

It’s a big decision and I want what is best for the entire family. J and I both feel like that would be the Ohio school so that’s all set. Except wait, we need a job, and a place to live, and a school for Z! Well, it looks like we are going to have to fully expect God to come through for us. Something I have plenty of practice in, but still am challenged by. I humbly ask that you would join in prayer with us (AGAIN) as we seek wisdom and direction for this next stage in our lives.

Mathew 17:20  Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”