Everybody is sick around here. UGH! But I had planned on posting some of my poetry. This is the last one that I performed on Saturday. When I shared it I had red, yellow, black, and white construction paper, and the final piece of paper had a heart that my son had painted.

Jesus loves all of the little children

All the children of the dark and scary world

He wants them to know that he hears them

Even all of the things they never told

Like the young girl with red curls who tries hard

But her best never seems to please them

He has spoken over her plans to prosper

And wants her to see him as a friend

Like the boy riding on the yellow school bus

Who doesn’t want the bus to take him home

Jesus said I know that you are scared son

But with me you will never be alone

And for the young child who is hiding the bruises

Because black and blue could give away the truth

He can be the one to take you out of hiding

He already knows all of the that pain you go through

For the girl whose white dress has been tainted

She feels used confused and unsure

He alone can be your restoration

And He knows that you are still pure

Jesus sees all of the little children

and they are so very precious in his sight

And not one of them goes unnoticed by Him

And all that is exposed in his light

Jesus loves all the little children

He saves them from the pain of the world

He wants them to know there is a future

And that each have a love to behold

-Natalie Busch
This poem has been passed around a little bit and I think that is great, but I went ahead and included my name on this one for just that reason. It means a lot to me. I wrote it several years ago after coming back from a mission trip to an orphanage in Acapulco, Mexico. Every child there had been abused in some way. There are so many more children out there that all have in common pain and dark secrets. I feel the father’s love going out to them and how any harm to them brings Him such grief. We are to be a light, and deliver the message of the hope that is in Christ. I would like to say thank you to all of the parents, children’s pastors, and teachers that extend a special kind of love and bring hope to children. I would also like recognize that we are all God’s children and we experience pain in many ways. God sees all that holds you from being complete in Him. He loves you and wants you to allow him to father you.