The other day I found this list of “You Might Be A Pastor’s Wife If…” I will put my responses in blue.

Every summer you counsel at teen camp for your vacation.- Nope.
You have shaken as many hands as a politician.- Maybe if I went to a bigger church.
People think your husband works only three hours a week.- I hope not!
You can teach Sunday School and nurse your baby at the same time.- We don’t have Sunday School at our church.
You can sincerely pray for someone’s dog!- I’ve prayed for a chicken, I am sure I could pray for dog.
You spend more time visiting in hospitals than doctors do.- No.
People consider you a walking phone book for church members.- That’s what the internet is for.
You sing in the choir, teach Sunday School, and host a missionary family all in the same day.- No, No, and No*
You’re expected to be a piano player, a “spiritual gift!”- I wish.

I don’t think of myself as a pastor’s wife because I really don’t fit the traditional role. And for those that don’t know me, my husband is on staff at our church and has been for about 5 years as the associate pastor and is also the worship leader. So I may not claim to be a “PW”, but my husband is technically a pastor and I am technically definitely his wife. So yeah, I am a pastor’s wife, but I still like to rock out (i.e. Eisley last night at the Granada Theater. Woo Hoo!) However, I do want to clarify that traditional can be a subjective word and compared to some pastor’s families we may be super traditional and that’s great. I am not trying to be non-churchy I am just trying to be myself and let other ladies be themselves. If you are a pastor’s wife that fits in the list above, maybe wears nice department store dresses, and does Beth Moore Bible studies I think that’s great, it’s just not necessarily me. Traditional, progressive, conservative or not, being in ministry does have a major impact on a person’s life.That’s why, as boring as it may be, I wanted to take a little time this week to share some behind the scene details of life as a pastor’s wife.

* We may not have a choir, or sunday school, but for the record we do support and love many wonderful missionaries. None of them have stayed at our house though.