Yesterday was my 3rd bloggiversary. I am currently in my fourth year of blogging which makes me a senior right? After 3 years of posting an average of 250 posts a year is there anything left to write about? You bet there is! I am looking forward to this next year of blogging and have plenty of topics up my sleeve. Here are 10 things you can expect to read about on messy mom for my “senior year”.
1. The blogiversary poem- I have had a tradition of writing a blogiversary poem where I do a rhyming recap of the entire year of posts, and I plan on doing that, but betweeen the big road trip, playing catch up at work, and having everyone in our house get sick I am a bit behind.
2. Unplugging- This idea is something that has been brewing in me since I read Hamlet’s Blackberry back in April. I even have some posts written, but this series is so important to me that I have been waiting to make sure it is just right, but it is about time I go ahead and put it out there.
3. Crafting- One of my friends and I have recently committed to a craft night. We’re going to try a bunch of stuff like soap making, and homemade reusable bags. If any of it turns out I’ll share it on here!
4. School- Whether it’s talking about how things went at my 10 year class reunion, or the possibility of Z starting preschool next year I am sure there will be some posts on the topic of education.
5. Cooking- We still love freezer cooking and gardening around here, so be on the look out for some cooking posts.
6. Photography- Can you believe it’s been almost 10 years since my first paid job as a photographer? There has to be some time devoted to this topic for sure.
7. Renovations- J and I are pumped and ready to get this old house completely remodeled. We’ve covered a lot of ground, but there is still a lot left. Of course I’ll have plenty of before and after photos in the event that we accomplish anything.
8. Family Fun Time- It was one of my new years resolutions and we’ve been enjoying lots of it. I hope to share some of our successes in hopes to inspire other families with small children.
9. The Kiddos- The thing I get complemented about the most on my blog is having pictures and updates about the kids. They make blogging easy.

Here they are licking the spoons after helping me make brownies.
10. Thrift Fashion Show- No promises on this one, but I have had requests for a comeback of the thrift store fashion show and I will do my best to make that happen!
On our road trip this past month I bumped into readers from all over the country. People that I know, but didn’t know were reading! I’ve always said I would continue to write even if no one reads it, but it would be like an ice cream sundae with no toppings. Community is what makes blogging so sweet, thank you all for being a part of that. Here’s to another year.