November is just about over and I’ve written 3 blog posts total, which is ridiculously scarce for me. I have good reason though, I just haven’t been able to spread it all over the world wide web just yet. Even now might be a little soon, but I can’t take it anymore. I have to be able to get this off my chest.

We are moving. We are leaving our jobs, church, loved ones, house, and the life we’ve known our entire marriage. We are moving to northern Kentucky where my family lives. Long story short we feel like that is what God is calling us to do. It’s the most difficult decision we’ve ever made. Getting married at 18 was a big risk and a huge decision, but I was so in love I felt more like it was a no brainer. Buying our first home was another major milestone, but it didn’t affect our location that much. J quitting his job for full time ministry was another big choice we’ve had to make, but we still had a steady income either way. Even when we had our kids it felt like we were stepping out of the boat, but we had made a lot of plans and provisions over 7 years of marriage before we became parents. This move however changes EVERYTHING. We don’t know what we are going to do when we get there other than live with my parents for a while. It’s a big risk, but it’s one we feel like we need to take.
There is so much more to share and now that the cat is out of the bag I can pop online every once in a while to give updates, but I still probably won’t be able to really blog again, in the way that I like to, until next year.
So that is the deal, please keep us in your prayers. And if you want to be really specific you can pray that
1. We complete the home renovation project and that it doesn’t cost too much, take too long, or destroy our marriage (just kidding, although it does put a strain on both of us).
2. We sell the house quickly and for the right amount. J’s last day is December 31 and would be great if he didn’t have to get another job before we move.
3. That there would be peace in our home and strength for our family during this stressful season, and that we would have closure and fond parting memories.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I will certainly post more details in the weeks ahead. It’s going to be quite the adventure.
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”

-Andre Gide