Z asks “what kind of fruit is the baby now?” “An avocado” I answer. “WHAT?! An avocado? STILL???”

He may not feel like this whole pregnancy process is moving along fast enough, but I do. I’m 16 weeks pregnant. I can’t believe I am almost to the half way mark. In a month we will have the big ultrasound. We have tossed around the idea of having the gender be surprise, but at this point I think we decided to go ahead and find out.

I really do love this stage of pregnancy. Even though my second trimester has not been void of vomit, I feel great most of the time and I love the way my body is changing.

I did a quick snapshot on Easter Sunday for my 4 month photo, but with as much as I love that dress it doesn’t show much progress for my maternal silhouette. So I had J take some pictures on my phone the day of my haircut, but I felt like they still don’t do my bump any justice.

 I’m wearing my own jeans in this photo. Ironically I can still fit into my skinny jeans because they are all low waisted and stretchy. Any of my other jeans do not fit and have been replaced with maternity! I found some Gap maternity jeans at a thrift store for $4 and the shirt from the above photo was also Gap maternity ($2). I think I bought out all of one woman’s clothing donations that day. I say that because there was quite the selection on the maternity rack that were all my size, good brands, and great shape. SCORE! I also found this bib for 50 cents.

It’s from sew appealing, which is kind of like an etsy shop. It’s the first item I’ve purchased for this baby. It’s Dr. Seuss so I couldn’t resist.

I know this stage won’t last forever so I intend to enjoy it for now and hope that the second half of the pregnancy will go as smoothly as the first.