No matter how big our family gets I know I will always have a special connection with each one of my children individually. With Z, he was my first born and he got two and a half years of undivided attention, and tons of photos to prove it. This next baby will be the third born just like me, so I already feel a camaraderie in that way, and then of course SJ is my only girl and you can’t compete with that. 

SJ and I got to spend a lot of one on one time together this past week and I really enjoyed it. While at Cornerstone we worked on a handful of art projects together including this sculpture and painting. 
I tried to get a snapshot of us hanging out,  
but I think it mainly showcases how hot and scuzzy we were.
J took this picture and I didn’t even know about it until yesterday. That’s us snuggling up sound asleep in the tent.
J took some more pictures of us at the train station including this one of us reading magazines on a bench
and here are a few more of us playing around on the bike racks. 
The truth is we’ve hit a few rough patches here lately involving SJ’s hearing loss. I’ll leave details for later, but for now let’s just say that having a special needs child takes a lot more than I ever expected. However, these challenges have done nothing but strengthen our relationship. I’m sure someday she won’t want to spend all of her time with her dear old mom and that’s a good thing, but for now I just want to soak it all in. Maybe someday when she’s 29 she’ll want to go to New York city with me. We’ll see.