Originally Written 6/26/13, which is important to note. I’ll explain why later. 

I have talked about Z being on the bubble for when to begin Kindergarten and I have mentioned it enough to start a whole ‘nother blog called “When Z Starts Kindergarten”. I don’t mean to obsess over it, but not only is this the first time I have a child starting school, but our situation has been unique because of all the moving we’ve done the past couple years. Last year when I reported on this matter I was definitely holding Z back and putting him in Kindergarten this year. Well, guess what? I changed my mind again.

Z is already registered for 1st grade. I have heard people on both sides of the fence giving me their opinion and I love all the different perspectives. Once again I don’t think there is a wrong answer here. There are lots of reasons why I feel like Z should go straight to 1st grade, but how could I know that my makeshift homeschool curriculum was enough to prepare him. So I googled it. I went through countless checklist from various websites about First Grade Readiness. The criteria was diverse and intreguing. These are real excerpts from various sites

Does your child have two to five permanent or second teeth?

Can he stand on one foot with eyes closed for five to ten seconds?

What is the head/trunk/limb proportion like? Can the child reach over his head with the right arm and touch the left ear?

Can he repeat an eight- to ten-word sentence, if you say it once, as “The boy ran all the way home from the store”?

Does your child associate verbal names, written names, and standard numerals with whole numbers less than 100? 

Then there were normal things like being able to write his name or recognize basic patterns in weather. I have exhausted my research only to have it confirmed over and over that he is ready for 1st grade. I know it’s not all about the checklists. As his mom I am 100% confident in our final decision and so is his school. I asked Z whether he wanted to go to Kindergarten or First grade and he answered FIRST GRADE loud and clear. Who cares if the only reason he said it is because that is the starting age for kid’s camp. I’m just happy that I finally made up my mind and it feels right.