I have not posted an update on Ezie in a loooong time. He hasn’t really changed in dramatic ways that I can easily pinpoint, but boy has he changed. He’s a toddler now! A climbing, running, hiding, dancing, talking, mischievous, kissy toddler.

In addition to the 8 words I listed 3 months ago he can now verbally identify eyes, nose, and hat with little accuracy, but a lot of effort pointing at his head. He says many two word combinations like

all done
good job
here go (for here you go)
tickle tickle (well, I guess that’s the same word twice, but that’s how he says it)
thank you

He has also started saying hot, shoe, duck, ow, hi, yay, juice and probably several others that are not coming to mind right now. So he is off to a pretty good start for 15 months, but in all fairness, most of the time I have to resist the urge to call him my little minion. I would never want to label any of my children that way, but he talks just like one of the characters from Despicable Me.

He’s grown a lot in three months too. I don’t have all the exact stats. In fact, that’s part of why I fail to do monthly updates for the littlest one because I don’t have any decent pictures or measurements, so I decide to wait and then it just never happens. Anyway, I do have this photos comparison of a shot that I have from November and January. I remember in the first one he could barely make contact no matter how hard he stretched.

Now he can palm the door knob and it is his daily mission to escape.

The most memorable thing about Ezie at this stage is his singing. He loves music. Ezie started singing his own melodies at 9 months old. Then at 12 months he could sing a word or two from 3 different songs that he heard us singing (one Veggie Tales song, one called Ezie that we made up, and lastly “What Does The Fox Say”) I know it’s too soon to call, but I would put money (if I gabled and/or had any money) on Ezie being some form a musician when he is older. He just loves to sing and dance, and is very perceptive to any rhythm or tone that he hears. Even if I have a timer go off, he will bob his head and go “ba deep beep beep, ba deep beep beep” I posted this video on instagram the other day of him scatting

It is a VERY fun stage that he is at. His siblings love playing with him now. They all bicker and get along marvelously.

His hair is getting longer and curling up in the back. When the humidity is right he has the perfect spiral curls that I love to watch bounce all day long. Z and SJ were the same way, it’s just baby curls and they go away after a couple years, but they are fun while they last. 

 I promise to take some photos on my real camera, not just for the blog, it just seriously needs to happen. Until then this is our little Ezie pie.