7-14-11Blessed are the flexible for they will not become bent out of shape. I learned that quote on a missions trip and it’s stuck with me ever since. After realizing we weren’t going to be able to camp in Minnesota as was originally planned we hopped across the border to Wisconsin’s beautiful Willow River State park. We showed up just before they closed and set up camp by the illumination of the car headlights. The kids were fussy, everyone was tired, and J was insistent on using that same air mattress that let us down (literally) the last two times we went camping. I was frustrated by the whole situation, but for the record it stayed inflated the entire night thanks to J’s chewing gum/wrapper patch that he concocted. It rained some at night, but it was a welcome sound as the 4 of us safely snuggled in our little shelter. We got up early and decided to take down the tent while it was still drizzling in order to avoid the storms that could come in. The moment we stepped out the rain stopped. In the end we were able to take the tent down and go for a nice long hike together as a family.

We let the kids dunk their feet in the icy cold water. and we even climbed to the top of the cliff so that I could have multiple heart attacks every time my children were remotely near the edge, even if they were in my arms and there was a rail. Once again, the stairs were killer, but the view was nice. After showering and getting all of our stuff together it started to rain just as we were pulling away from the park. How perfect is that?