I do not have a green thumb, at all. I try to grow things and end up killing them. Fortunately there are plenty of things that bloom on their own around here and I get to reap the benefits. Out of all the trees and flowers in my yard the redbud is my favorite. I don’t know why it’s called that when it’s actually purple, but either way it’s pretty. These aren’t the type of flowers that would typically go in a vase or bouquet, but I think they’re too gorgeous not to let them mingle indoors this time of year.
A couple of weeks ago when it wasn’t 50 degrees, the kids and I went outside to get some flowers and sunshine.

That’s Z carrying stick in his mouth!
I don’t know what the weather is like where you are, but don’t forget to take some time this season to stop and smell the roses, or accept a bouquet of dandelions, or even stick some blossoming branches in vase.
Works for me.
For more works for me wednesday posts go to we are that family. I am post #200 something. Better late than never right?
Love those beautiful flowers. Thanks for sharing the photos 🙂
How awesome to have such beautiful trees & flowers growing in your yard! I think the branches look great in a vase! Good idea!
That branch of blooms couldn't look more perfect. I just love the treatment on the wall behind the flowers. How Tuscan. I want it!
I am soooo glad I saw this–I have a redbud tree and I never thought to bring some branches inside. They are just beautiful! Thank you!