  • Freedom From Parenting Guilt

    Like most parents I fear that I fall short with my children. I worry that I don’t have what it takes as a mom and that I could possibly ruin my one shot at this child rearing [...]

  • Are Unexcused Absences Ever Excusable?

    I take school and academics very seriously, but I am not opposed to missing a day every once in a while even when the reasons aren't related to death or illness. Maybe you've seen some [...]

  • 10 Ways To Feel Loved and Adored By Your Spouse

    (originally posted on November 11, 2013) Imagine your husband brings home a rare painting in an ornate frame and he wants to hang it up in the living room, but you can’t find any nails, [...]

The Magic Kitchen Timer

By |October 18, 2014|Categories: Family, Parenting Tips, Uncategorized|

I don't know if you've heard of fly lady. It's a program to help messy people like me try and clean up their act. I implement some their strategies every once in a while if I get motivated, but the one thing that has stuck with me over the years, and I will probably use it forever, is my timer! The reason you [...]

Enforceable Statements

By |October 16, 2014|Categories: Parenting Tips, Uncategorized|

I will say it over, and over again, but teachable parenting realizes that you don’t control others. I learned early on in motherhood that there were a lot of things I couldn’t force my child to do like eat, use the restroom, sleep, say sorry. Although I had some success forcing the sorry thing when we started to learn to sign language because I [...]

Keep it Short and Simple

By |October 15, 2014|Categories: Babies & Toddlers, Parenting Tips, Uncategorized|

This week I have shared some practical tips for Teachable Parenting including; Logical Consequences, How to Respond to Whining, and Giving Choices. Today's tip is to avoid lectures and keep things short and simple. All of the three books I have previously sited will give this same advice, especially with very young children, LESS IS MORE! Sometimes it’s a loving motives that make you want to explain every detail of why [...]

Logical Consequences

By |October 12, 2014|Categories: Parenting Tips, Uncategorized|

It's day 12 of the 31 days of Teachable Parenting challenge and I've given a lot of Bible verses and shared a lot about matters of the heart. That is the core of Teachable Parenting. It isn't a formula that you memorize. It's a lifestyle. However, I know everyone (myself included) wants examples of what that looks like and direction on how to [...]

What To Do When They Really Push Your Buttons

By |October 11, 2014|Categories: Parenting Tips, Uncategorized|

I know the Keep Calm memes got old a while ago, but it really does apply here!  We've discussed loving responses for mistakes and emotional outbursts. We also talked about how empathy is so much more effective than anger when disciplining a child. Today I am going to touch on how and why you should keep calm when your children are really pushing [...]

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