My 5 year old dresses like a white cholo. For those that are unfamiliar with the term Cholo, the Urban Dictionary describes it in part as a Hispanic male that typically wheres a flannel shirt unbuttoned except for the very top button. This is how Z dresses every day.

Don’t worry it’s not gang related. It makes him feel like he is wearing a cape. Every once in a while I can talk him out of it, but lately every day he asks to wear one of his capes. He is about as boy as a boy can be.

When a friend of mine posted about the M.O.B (mother of boys) Society doing a book club I signed up immediately. 
The book is called Wild Things- The Art of Nurturing Boys. I had three brothers and was the only girl in my family, but I still could definitely use some guidance in this area. 
I checked online to see if they had the book at my library and they did not have it at our specific branch, but I could order it. The next day while at the library I told them  I had put a book on hold, but it was coming from another library and I wasn’t sure how to order it. The librarian looked up my card number and informed me that the book had already been delivered and was on the shelf waiting for me. I went to look and sure enough there it was labeled with a slip of paper that had my name on it. I couldn’t believe it. The night before I had just clicked a button requesting the book and it was pulled off the shelf, put on a truck, driven to my library within 24 hours just for me, and it didn’t cost a thing. God bless America! 
This is my first book club and it all starts tomorrow. Hopefully I’ll learn a thing or two about how to raise up strong godly men without going loco on my ese. 
This Miscellaneous compilation is part of Miscellany Monday. Check out Lowercase Letters for more random fun.