Along with the flowers and sunshine there is another element of springtime that can not go unnoticed and that is the bugs. SJ has bug bites for the first time and Z got stung for the first time, fortunately he is not allergic like his mother or we would have had another emergency room visit.
In celebration of these latest milestones I thought it might be fun to have a little bug trivia challenge. Let’s see who can name that bug!

These bugs have a very active social life here in Texas, but I think their party lifestyle might include booze because they bump into stuff wherever they go.

These things are like the latest gossip tabloids you see them everywhere and they are hard to get away from. Also much like Hollywood, what is big news one day is gone the next, lifespan of these insect is only a couple of couple weeks.
These guys sing to attract females which seems be a popular approach these days. I hope the singing works because they are certainly not getting anywhere with their looks. I tried to pick the most appealing image I could find of one because most of their “profile pictures” make me gag. YUCK!
I thought Sean Combs, Puff Daddy, Diddy, P-doodle, had many names, but these guys are just as bad. They don’t urinate but they do poop and they eat it (aren’t you glad you stopped by today?)
Alright, let’s see how well you did. Whether you are playing along or not you may want to check out the answers in the comment section, I think some of them may surprise you.