I had fun linking up with “what I wore” for my 10 year reunion so I thought I would do it again for the 50th anniversary party that I have been writing about this week.
A couple months ago I found a dress at a thrift store, but I couldn’t try it on. I reluctantly bought and it did fit, even if it meant having to hold my breath to get it zipped up. So now I had this dress, but I had no idea where I was going to wear it.
When I found out my in laws anniversary would be a brown, western, yellow rose of Texas type theme, I thought the dress would be perfect.

The color and style matched what my husband was wearing too.
So now I knew where to wear it and just had to figure out what to wear it with…
First came the orange shoes, which I ended up not wearing because all the ladies were doing pedicures before hand and I wanted to go open toed, but next time I’ll pick these thrift store heels.

Then I found a simple brown cardigan
When I was out looking for the cardigan I spotted this necklace that matched perfectly and since both items were on sale I went for it, because I knew I could use them for more than just this one occasion.
Lastly I threw on the belt which was also a thrift store find.
That’s me on the end with the rest of the family.

I gambled on a used strapless dress that I couldn’t try on and 4 accessories later I think it worked.