When I took the above photo J said “you can’t sell that bike!”. I guess I’ve been so crazy about making some extra dough on Craig’s list lately that he assumes anything I photograph is going to be up for grabs online. Not in this case. I just wanted to document our latest family activity which is going for bike rides.

We all happen to love it and as long as we take the low traffic back roads there are plenty of places to ride to, such as the barbecue place downtown where you can get a chopped beef sandwich for two bucks or the nearest subway which currently has $5 foot longs.

Then when we are not eating there are TWO different parks nearby, a library, and of course family video. Z isn’t too confident on his big boy bike so he usually rides the tricycle.

Once we get going we travel in a train formation. J is the leader of the pack, SJ rides in the bike trailer behind him.

Z’s bike is being pulled by a bungee cord attached to the trailer, and I follow behind to make sure we don’t loose anybody! Once the little guy gets tired he can easily ride along in the trailer with his sister.

My favorite part of this tradition is the horn. The kids like me to honk this old rusty horn before we start.

If we stop for any reason Z won’t let us get away with starting up again until I honk the horn. I am pretty sure everyone in the neighborhood probably hears that squeaky horn and thinks here comes the crazy bike family. It’s a fair warning. HONK! HONK!