Originally written Thrusday August 8. The next post will be up to date, but I need to get caught up first. 

Next week I have THREE meetings for the new school year that is ABOUT TO START! One is called packet pick up. I guess that means I will go to Z’s school and get the packet that has all the details about his new school. Another is called Tune In where I will meet with SJ’s teacher. The last one is an IEP and ETR meeting with the public school district and if you have a special needs child you know all about that tedious business. This all snuck up on me like the boogie man in the middle of the night. One day I am chillin’ in my flip flops drinking lemonade and the next day my yard sale tan is peeling, 

swim lessons are over,

and my pinterest page is FULL of fall projects.

What!? When did this happen? 

Now that I realize that the summer rug has been pulled out from under me I am ready to take a deep breath and embrace the new school year routine. This weekend I will be getting some black out curtains and on Monday we’ll start early to bed early to rise. Lord help me this is not an easy transition for our crew, but one week of practice will hopefully be a good enough  to ease into things.

I can’t believe that both of my kids will be going to school this year! Even with preschool last year it was only a few hours a day/few days a week/not even a full school year. This is going to be a whole new ballgame. I am excited about all that is on the horizon, but feeling a little anxious at the same time.

This is really happening! Eeek.