The other day SJ got a hold of a razor, but it didn’t have the razor on it, just the handle, so I watched her pretend to shave her legs. It’s pretty funny to see a 14 month old mock shave, but it’s also sad. It’s sad because the reason she knows how is because she’s seen me do it many times, because I don’t even have one stinkin’ moment to myself, not even a naked one. By the time my birthday came along I was ready for some much needed alone time.
It was about 17 years ago that my mom was inching her way towards an empty nest and was wanting a break. She had plans to drive to Atlanta (to pick me up) and decided to take off a day earlier than originally expected, but what my dad didn’t know was that she decided to stop along the way take in a movie and stay at a hotel for the night. She didn’t think anyone would be effected by it or care because they weren’t expecting her in Atlanta for another day, and remember this was before cell phones so it wasn’t as easy to touch base back then. The next day my dad made attempts to find out if she had arrived safely and when no one knew of her whereabouts panic struck. We all thought something horrible must have happened. The police were notified and sent out an APB alert in 3 different states. There was a prayer vigil going on at our house and everyone was worried sick. In the mean time my mom was enjoying some R&R and taking her sweet time before she finally made it to Atlanta and found out that she had been missing for 24 hours!
I enjoyed almost 24 hours to myself on Monday. I reveled in the coffee for one, the shopping, the unfamiliar sense of peace and quiet. J even stopped by the house and “caught” me reading my Bible out in the backyard.

He didn’t even interrupt me, I found out about it from my friends who thought it was cute, but they just don’t realize how difficult it is to get alone with the B-I-B-L-E around here.

I wanted to say thanks for sticking around this week just so I could go on and on about my birthday. I felt a little juvenile making such a hoopla, but you all assured me that I have every right to have a special day to myself. So thank you for the encouragement and I would like to encourage you to do the same whether it’s your birthday or not. We all need take some time to rest, to be refreshed, to celebrate, to partake, but on a side note you may want to inform people of your plans in order to avoid police involvement.