Tomorrow is my baby’s first birthday and I am the one that got the big package in the mail. It’s 180 diapers, which for a cloth diapering mom should last a REALLY LONG TIME. This was the first time I have spent any money on diapers for her. I received about 7 packages of disposables when she was born. At first I only used about one or two disposable diapers a week, now that she is a more heavy wetter and eating solids we are at about a diaper a day (some days I use a few if we are out all day, other days I don’t use any). The best part is that I got this whole box of diapers for $9.00. I heard about a really great deal on amazon from passionate penny pincher and I used a $10.00 coupon along with swag bucks to make it a steal!
Now that I have done cartwheels about coupons and diapers allow me to vent for just a moment. I had a Facebook friend who is expecting for the first time and asked for tips from anyone who used cloth diapers. I shared my advice and I read this comment from one of her other friends

“I use Luvs disposable. By the time you spend time and $ on water and soap, I think the cost comes out about the same. I’d rather be spending all my moments I can with my children – not leaning over a toilet swishing poopies…”

Now, I would never suggest cloth diapers are for everyone and as you can see by the giant package of diapers in the photo above I am not anti disposables, but I found this comment to be a bit offensive. Not only is that not true that soap and water cost more than what you save, but is that really how cloth diaper users are perceived? That we spend all our time dumping poop and washing diapers? I have been using cloth diapers for over 3 years straight and if the messy mom can manage it then I can assure you that it is not overly time consuming. In no way do I feel like it is robbing me of moments with my children, certainly not anymore than FACEBOOK! Sometimes I even have my little ones helping me getting diapers from the washer to the dryer or running around outside while I hang them on the clothes line. If I find an amazing deal on disposables like I did this week then I can get it, if not no worries. I don’t have to budget diaper costs.
Thanks to this second round of cloth diapering I haven’t spent any cash on diapers for the first year of my baby girl’s life and that makes me happy. Now if you will excuse me I have to get back to “swishing poopies” down the toilet.

This post will be linked to other money saving ideas at LIFE AS MOM.