The library in our town may be a little old fashioned, but I absolutely love it! The floors creek, the books smell, and the librarians wear bifocals. Sims is everything I could ask for in a library and it’s only 1.4 miles from my house.

One of my new year’s goals for 2011 was to have biweekly family fun time and another one was to read to the kid’s more. Yesterday’s outing accomplished both when we packed up the kids and went to the library as a family.

This was SJ’s first time to go to the library and it was Z’s first time to check out a book.

He got Hero of the Rails (a Thomas book). I checked out Hamlet’s Blackberry and I am really looking forward to this “Practical Philosophy for Building a Good Life in the Digital Age”. J got a book called The Family Kitchen Garden about “How to Plant, Grow, and Cook Together”. I admit it melts my heart that he would choose a book like this!
We spent a good bit of time at Sims yesterday and everyone had fun. Although, don’t let the cute photos fool you, Z got into trouble for running! I was trying to catch up with him and correct him without yelling when one of the librarian’s graciously, but firmly, got to him before I did. I was actually relieved. I knew if he heard about the library rules from one of the employees he would be more likely to adhere to them than if he heard it from me. It’s sad, but true. Sometimes I wonder if I sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown “Wha wa, wa woo wha wa“.
It was still a positive experience though and I am sure we will be back again soon, and it better be before April 4 or we’ll have some overdue fines to deal with.
{This post is linked up with Things I Love Thursday over at The Diaper Diaries.}