This week I am talking about my experience with freezer cooking. We don’t only eat meals prepared and frozen ahead of time, but we are starting to eat about 12 meals a month this way and it has been working out great. But what is the point? Well, I am glad I asked. Here is my list of top ten reasons for bulk cooking once a month.

1. It takes the guess work out of your meal planning. Instead of worrying what is for dinner tonight or this week you plan it all out once a month, and then you are free to think about other things.

2. It saves money because you can buy some things in bulk, and our family tends to eat out less when we have the meals already prepared and waiting in the fridge.

3. It saves a time because you get all of your rinsing, chopping, baking, grilling etc. done at once, instead of making trips to the pantry and measuring and stirring every night for every little recipe.

4. It is less clean up (this goes hand in hand with #3) you use the same knives, spoons, or cutting board and get it all out of the way. The night you actually heat the meal up there is very little cleaning involved afterwards.

5. It is a great backup plan to have in case of an emergency. The first month we did this we were iced in for several days. Another time we had a bit of a financial crisis, but at least we didn’t have to worry too much about groceries. It was SO nice that we had already had all of these meals stocked in the freezer.

6. The buddy system keeps you going. Because a lot of people do their freezer cooking with a friend it gives you a date that you have to have your cooking done, and this kind of accountability means you are more likely to actually follow through with making your home cooked meals.

7. It motivates you to try new things. Before the freezer meals I was in a little bit of a cooking rut, but now I am trying new recipes to have ready for the big cooking day.

8. It can be healthy. It depends on the menu you choose, but most likely if you are eating out less and cooking meals mostly from scratch you tend to eat healthier.

9. There is a rewarding feeling of satisfaction that comes when you have a freezer full of tasty meals. It leaves you with a sense of accomplishment.

10. It’s fun to cook with a partner, and also to see what others online are doing with their freezer meals. It’s like being a part of a little community.

Those are some of the reasons I have come to like it, and tomorrow I will be posting a home video I made that I even “scripted” and “directed” that shows some of how I execute a month of meals. It should be all kinds of cheesy fun.

Oh, yeah, and check out Oh Amanda too for many more top ten lists!