Top 10 things I will hopefully accomplish in the Spring
1. Fly a Kite“up to the highest heights”
2. Change Out Closet ClothesThe kiddos have very limited closet space. It’s time to weed out the winter clothing and things they’ve outgrown

SJ looks so cute. I don’t know what I am going to do if we are ever the same size. She will probably have to lock up her closet.

3. Go CampingOur church is having a retreat at Meridian park in a couple weeks. This will be my first time camping with children!
4. Walk to the StoreIt’s been a long time since I’ve gone to Braum’s, CVS, or one of the other nearby stores by way of foot. With the weather changing I plan on doing this more often.
5. Sell StuffI have to declutter and I need money, but I am just not motivated. That has got to change! Look out Ebay, yard sale, and Craig’s List. Here I come!
6. Get an iphoneI’ve held out for so long and EVERYONE in my family (make that almost everyone I know) has an iphone. As much as I enjoy being stubborn and counterculture my turn may be coming. I will keep you posted.
7. Get a Tan?I don’t really care about being tan, but I wouldn’t mind a slight golden glow coming into the summer months. I will probably be outside with the kids everyday, so there is definitely potential.
8. Spring CleaningI’ve been trying to tackle a different zone of my house each month in 2011. The spring line up includes organizing the kitchen, kid’s room and attic. Eeek.
9. Poetry ReadingThere is another art festival coming up and I am considering reading some of my poems. We’ll see.
10. Blue Bonnet PhotosIt’s a Texas tradition, but I’ve never felt right about making my little man pose by himself in a field of flowers. Now that we have a girl this may be our first year to join in on the fun.
What are your plans? Do our lists match in anyway?
SJ’s first pair of flip flops.

Now head on over to Oh Amanda for more Top Ten Tuesday.