On my top ten things to do this spring I listed my first poetry reading as #9. Well, I can check that off my list and follow up with a list of things that I loved about the art festival I participated in on Saturday.
1. Poetry
I did it! I actually recited 3 poems and although I was nervous (and it showed) I did all 3 by heart.
2. Family surprise
C & SJ
At the very last minute I posted something on Facebook about my upcoming performance and my sister in law and niece surprised me by driving an hour to come see me.
3. Photography
I submitted some of my biggest pieces yet at about 36 x 48 inches.
4. Art
Well duh. I loved looking at all the art work throughout the gallery. There were some absolutely incredible artists showcased.
5. Live demos
Several artist created pieces on the spot which is always a treat.
6. Painting
I am a horrible painter, but I did sit in one of the art lessons. We were supposed to be painting a lighthouse, but I call mine the emergent pencil. In my defense I only had a few minutes and one fat brush to work with.
7. Community art
In the kid zone there was a humongous canvas that the children could paint on and they called it community art . I loved this idea and Z had a great time.
8. Music
Tim Miller, Taylor Davis, Men as Trees Walking, and many other awesome local musicians played throughout the day.
9. Feather clip
With feathers being all the rage right now I took the opportunity to buy my first feather accessory while simultanously showing support to the artist who made it. I wore it yesterday.
10. Henna
So many new experiences in one day. I also got my first henna tatoo at the end of the night. It’s a triangle. It represents the trinity as well as my marriage (not my love of Doritos as one of my friends suggested). It should last a couple weeks. I am having fun with it and the kids like it too.
The Spring Art festival was a complete success and I look forward to doing it again in the fall!
Be sure to check out more top ten lists on ohamanda.com