I have heard so much hype about watching movies in 3-D, but I didn’t want to pay extra because I am cheap and I was worried that Z wouldn’t be able to wear the glasses over his glasses which could be frustrating for everybody. Then there were a couple occasions where we had some opportunity to watch 3-D stuff at home with some of the little reb/blue glasses and I was never impressed, but I blamed it on the cheap glasses. Then come to find out the cheapy glasses were working for everyone except me! I don’t have any vision problems so I thought maybe my eyes were too sharp to fooled by this three dimensional illusion, but then I googled it and it turns out there are a lot of people that can’t see 3-D (Johnny Depp is one) and it’s because of visual impairments. I’ll admit this diagnosis caught me off guard, but contrary to the online recommendation I don’t plan on going to an eye doctor. I can read, I can see near and far, I can take pictures, and play sports (well, maybe not the sports, but I don’t blame my eyes). I guess not being able to watch 3-D movies is something I can live without. I rarely go to the movies anyway. It averages about once or twice a year lately, but this week went to the theater twice!

The first one was the Kung Fu Panda sequel. Both of the kids wore panda shirts. We all laughed and I even cried at the end a little.

Then next day a friend of ours offered us 4 tickets to see Cars 2 at 9:00 am on opening day! Well, we couldn’t pass that up, so yesterday we got up early and went to the theater at 8:00.

Z had all his Lightning McQueen fan gear from his sippy cup down to his underwear.

They played a game of tossing around the beach balls while we sat and waited for the movie to start and State Farm insurance who sponsored the whole thing gave away lots of prizes. I left with a balloon, Lighting McQueen tattoo and a teddy bear. It really was a blast.

I think that’s enough movies for me for a while. Although, I admit I am curious whether or not I would be able to watch 3D with polarized glasses. Supposedly there is a good percentage of people that get sick, tired, or just can’t see 3D images at all. So I have to ask does anyone else have any issues seeing 3D or know someone who does?