Thanks to leaving my laptop in my friends car last night I am a little late to join the Top Ten Tuesday party. Although this list is really more of a “the first ten documentaries that come to mind” than it is a TOP ten anyway. Here goes-

1. Babies

I’ve blogged about this one. I loved this film that follows 4 babies from different parts of the world and shows life from their perspective for their first year. Super cute film to watch by yourself because the culture nudity could be awkward with certain company. Moving on…

This movie probably isn’t as pertinent now as it was when I saw it 5 years ago because we are making some headway in auto industry to allow for some alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles. It’s still a very interesting film though.
Even though this was more of a lower budget documentary as mac lovers my family and I really enjoyed this film that explores how it all began and what it has become of the Macintosh brand.
I love creation science and learning about the mystery behind how we all got here. Ben Stein does an excellent job exposing how the scientific research groups over the years have ostracized anyone who embraces intelligent design. It’s a fascinating watch.
This film will leave you with your jaw on the floor when you see the absolute knock down, drag out, competitiveness of some upper crust parents from Manhattan trying to get their toddlers into the most elite daycare program. It’s so ridiculous you will think it’s a joke.
I love penguins, so when this film debuted in 2005 I was anxious to find out when the first showing was at the Magnolia theater in Dallas. Being in the right place at the right time got me into a special private screening. That is probably why this academy award winning documentary will always be one of my faves.
Let’s see, there is this one, King Corn and, Food inc. which are all good movies that make me disgusted with what I eat for a couple hours before I have another kit kat craving. Or most recently J watch a documentary called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. Thanks to that netfix rental we are slurping down kale, celery, apples and whatever else we can juice, but actually I’ve been enjoying it.
It’s been almost 10 years since this film about the 1999 national spelling bee came out, but it’s such a classic. It’s real, it’s quirky, and I love it.
This story of Arthur Blessit’s quest to carry a 12 foot cross around the world is adventurous, touching, and inspiring. My mom got to meet Blessit at the airport one day and was able to share how much we have all been “bless-ed” by his courage and obedience.

When I stumbled upon this movie about the public education system in some of the more underprivileged areas of America I didn’t realize what I was getting into. It made me grateful for the opportunities I’ve had. It also made me desire to do more to create change. Oh, and it made me cry. So yeah, you need to watch it.
Those are the first 10 documentaries to pop in my head, but I am sure all week long I will probably be thinking of ones that should have been on the list. Tell me your favorites. The best ones come through recommendations!