I have had so many emotions about my ten year reunion you would have thought I was a still an adolescent teenager. I went from planning what I would wear a year in advance, to announcing that I would not be going at all. In the end I did go, and I am glad. While Facebook certainly does dilute some of the excitement of finding out what has become of everyone since High school, social networking is still a very limited media when it comes to reconnecting.
The girls I hung out with in High School were all in the top 10% of our class of 300+, were far more involved in extra curricular activities than I was, and had success written all over them. Some of these girls I have kept in touch with through the years, while others I saw for the first time since High School.

I should mention that there were guys there too, but who cares. Well, I used to, but lets not talk about those memories.
These four gorgeous gals that I’m with were some of my best friends back in the day.
Can you tell who is who from this picture of the 5 of us 12 years ago?
We were all about 15 years old in this photo. The girl on the far left is a graphic designer for Fossil now. I LOVE hearing her stories! Next to her is a girl whose heart is bigger than anyone I know. She spent 3 years doing missions and teaching in Slovokia, and is currently back in the States teaching minors at the juvenile detention center. Her stories are wild. Right next to heris my jet setting friend who is a commercial real estate asset manager. She has tried to explain to me what she does, but I don’t totally get it, even after a google search. Next to her, in the blue tank top, is my friend who heads up a women’s ministry for a large church in Dallas, and on the far right that’s me, the brunette of the group and it may be hard to believe, but I am the only mom.
So, we are all doing our own thing living completely different lives, yet we all still genuinely care about each other and get along as though no time has gone by at all. Obviously I am proud of my friends and their endeavors. And as the only nerd at the reunion toting around pictures of my family in my wallet to show off to anyone willing to try to see in the dark, I think it is safe to say I am proud of what I have done with my life as well. Here’s to the class of 2001.