I signed up for Pinterest 5 months ago and it didn’t take too long for me to be hooked. Granted I haven’t had all the time in the world to focus on crafts and cooking lately, but for a while there I was implementing Pinterest ideas left and right.

I often use it to create ideas that I have repinned, like that one valentine’s craft I did. 
Or the time Z and I made this angry birds game.

I’ve also made about a dozen recipes that I’ve repinned and eventually I want to do a little mini series on this, but for starters here is a really simple recipe I discovered on Pinterest that is now a reoccurring part of many of our meals. J loves them!

I also love using Pinterest boards to keep all of my ideas in one place. This is what I did for SJ’s birthday party and it turned out to be such a success!

 My latest Pinterest board has been all about my upcoming trip to New York City.

 I never really shared how or why I am going to be in NYC for my birthday. It’s kind of silly, but I think it’s worth sharing. A couple weeks ago mom asked me what I wanted for my birthday and I nearly cried. Okay, maybe I did start crying a little bit. I am about to be 30 years old and that doesn’t bother me, but I’ve seen so many of my friends in Texas celebrate this milestone in fun and extraordinary ways. When I left Texas I knew I would not get to be a part of this tradition with them. I started not only missing my friends, but in a way missing my identity. Let’s face it, despite my attempts to live “life in the slow lane“, all year long I’ve been consumed with moving, pregnancy, hearing loss and motherhood in general. My mom did what mother’s do best and listened sympathetically to my little pity party and her wheels started turning. Thanks to working at the airport she knew we could get a great rate on airfare so she asked me where I wanted to go. I could pick anywhere in the US! The idea took me by surprise and I couldn’t think of anything, so she suggested New York city. Suddenly the thought of spending the last day of my twenties in the big apple was like a dream that I never knew I had. Since then I’ve been pinning, planning, and pining for New York city and early tomorrow morning we leave… or bust!