For me birth is like a wedding; a grand event, an emotional production, a monumental occasion worth celebrating. 
I am tedious when it comes to planning out details for parties and gatherings. I can’t help myself, and believe it or not the birth of my children fall into that catagory for me. Besides my own scrupulous check lists, I am notorious for creating packets for family members that include phone numbers, birth plans, directions, schedules etc. I am not a pregzilla though, really I am not! I believe in the statement blessed are the flexible, for they will not be bent out of shape. Natural childbirth is probably the epitome of unpredictability and that is one of things that I find alluring about it, while at the same time doing everything I possibly can to be prepared.
Since I tend to have inconsistent contractions and fast labors I have planned for J and I to head toward the hospital when contractions are a whopping 10 minutes apart. From there I have a list of ideas for killing time and keeping my mind off of things. 
This shouldn’t be too difficult since I’ve had almost 9 months to fall in love with the city of Lexington which is where the birth will be taking place. In fact in preparing hotel information, hospital coordinates, and places to eat or entertain children during the labor, I got a little carried away and went ahead and made a brochure. Yes an actual brochure that I titled “The Busch’s Guide to Lexington”. 

 It was fun for me to do and we all got a few good laughs out of it. It’s really practical too though, everyone in the family can know what’s happening where and how far it is from the hospital. 
So you’ve peeked inside my hospital bag, you’ve had glimpses of my birth plans, and as much as at all looks like it is coming together I guess we just have to wait and see what how all of this unfolds. As long as I come home with a healthy little baby then I will feel like this mission was a success.