E has been a part of our lives for three weeks now. There has been a lot of family bonding happening around here. You may be wondering how everyone is adjusting to the new member and the answer in short is everyone is doing well.
We went to the park tonight and I brought my camera because we were going to take off Z’s training wheels. He still doesn’t quite have the hang of bike riding, but I was so glad to have my camera on me because I was able to capture this spontaneous moment with the kids being extra cuddly with baby E. 

For Z this is the norm. He wants to be with E all the time. He loves to hug him, kiss him, and lavish him with compliments about how cute he is. 

SJ on the other hand has never really paid much attention although she doesn’t appear to resent the new guy either. She usually just signs baby and sometimes tries to stroke his head. Tonight though she was being really sweet with him. 
There are a few things I have caught onto with having a newborn. One thing is that when you bring home that baby it makes your other children double in size. I have to remind myself that they didn’t actually grow overnight they just seem huge compared to their tiny baby brother. I’ve also learned to relish the newborn stage of life and soak up every single moment. With Z it was tough because I wanted to skip ahead to the smiling, laughing, walking, talking stages. With SJ I didn’t worry about it AS much, but with E I am wanting to keep him this way forever. Okay, not forever, but I REALLY love this newborn stage SO MUCH, although I know I will also love the boy, and someday man, that he will become.