*Not sure why half of this is in all caps!? I have tried to change it, but it’s stuck that way for now. Oh well. 

Z came downstairs yesterday morning with his glasses off, his pajamas still on, and his finger in his mouth. “Look” he said as he wiggled his two bottom teeth. At first I panicked and asked him what happened. He said “I just went to sleep and now they are wiggly”. My mom said  “It sounds like someone is ready for his first encounter with the tooth fairy.” We all got really excited and even SJ stopped eating breakfast to give Z a hug. 

I just can’t believe how much he is changing and maturing. I am loving this age. The other day I had to go to the store with the kids and I purposefully picked Z up from school first rather than go with just the two little ones. I never thought I would see the day that Z would be more of an asset than a liability, no offense. It seems like only yesterday shoppers were gawking at me as I abandoned my shopping cart full of groceries to chase my holy terror through the freezer aisle.  

Granted he still challenges us with his antics. If it’s not one bad habit it’s another. He used to bite the collar of his shirt. Then he went through a stage where he started asking “what’d you say?” after EVERYTHING to the point that we even talked to SJ’s ear doctor thinking maybe he had hearing problems. His latest most irritating habit has been blowing in peoples faces, but I think he is over that one now too. I only mention these things because I don’t want to give off the impression that I have an angelic 5 year old. 

His teachers think that he is, and I am not quite sure how he pulled that one off. He has some amazing teachers and does so well in the classroom setting. When we moved out to the country I worried about the lack of peer interaction, but school has filled that void. He is learning to read and has the most beautiful thirst for knowledge. When I read to him he wants to see how many of the words he can read himself. He will take the word van and sound it out very slowly and I just wait. 
Vuh.  Aaaaa. Nuh. 

And when it clicks and he realized he took letters and decoded it into a word he just lights up. It is such an amazing experience as a mom to see the wheels turn and watch him grow up. It’s one of the perks of my job and I love it.