Ezie has never really taken to the pacifier. With each of our kids we have always waited a few weeks to make sure they have the hang of nursing before introducing the pacifier, but on that day it is a welcome relief for me, and for the ears of those around my children. However, there are plenty of drawbacks. It cost money to keep pacifiers in stock and they are always getting lost and dirty. Then there is the dreaded day that you have to take the pacifier away and for some (ahem, SJ) this is like an all out 3 day drug rehab. So you would think that I would have stopped trying to push the paci onto my third born after weeks of him showing no interest.
But as it turns out I am the one that has a hard time parting with the plug, and in all fairness J has too. It’s just the way we’ve always done it. We tried giving Ezie different brands and shapes with no success. He is extremely content, but we just couldn’t part with the idea of having it for emergencies. Where we go the binky goes, and we feel lost when we don’t have one in the diaper bag. Yes, all this after 8 MONTHS of him NOT taking a pacifier. I Recently have become more comfortable with the whole idea and I genuinely like having a paci free lifestyle. The other day I had one on hand and I just gave it to him to chew on because he’s teething. When I got him out of the car he was like this…

I can just hear his little baby brain ‘you know I never really understood what the big deal with this thing is, but I think I get it now.’ 
A couple other random notes about my 8 month old. We still wear him a lot, but now that he is bigger we’re reaching for the Ergo more frequently and he loves to ride piggy back! 
His first summer may be a mild one. So far we have lucked out with some unseasonable cool weather. This picture of him in his sweatshirt was taken in June. We’ve still been having 60 degree weather around here. 

He’s feet are dangling over the edge of his carseat and he’s getting too big for the baby bath, but we make it work. “Yes, I do enjoying relaxing in my pink bathtub and I am completely confident in my masculinity.” That was the imaginary baby voice again. I should have warned you.

He is really starting to show his personality.This guy loves to be loved, and we love loving him.