You’ll never guess where I am right now. Really. Right now I’m driving. I know, texting and driving is bad. but blogging and driving is REALLY bad! Don’t worry though, because I’m not typing. It’s been a week since my last blog post and I have really wanted to update, but just as I had predicted I haven’t had the time. So since I have a new phone upgrade I thought I would put one of my favorite new features to good use and write this post with the voice to text option. So here I am just blabbing away as usual only this time I am multi tasking. I feel very Jane Jetson here talking to myself while the phone transcribes. Hopefully I’ll have time to actually sit down and type again. For that matter hopefully I’ll have time take shower because it’s been a while now and I keep on thinking I will have a chance to get to it later. But the good news is I can slick my hair back and my bangs will stay back without a headband. Yuckers. Not quite that bad, but yes it’s bad. 

We have officially moved to Ohio, but we are up to our eyeballs in boxes. I have not had a single moment to myself. So, so busy with all the packing, and unpacking, and sorting, and setting up. Anyway I’m at Target now. I am about to go in and pick up some shelf liner, so I’m going to sign off and maybe add some pictures to this blog and that’ll be that. Well…this has been… fun.

My new phone and otter box. I went from an iPhone 3 to a 5 so it’s been a major upgrade. I am not one to care about having the latest and greatest, but I have been LOVING this phone! 
 Back at my brother’s house packing up. SJ thinks this calls for tea time. 
Also back at my brother’s house J spends the last two weeks there working on furniture for the apartment. I say I want cubbies like at Chic Fil A for the kids to put their shoes in, and J delivers! 
The night we moved in SJ escaped from her fully tightened car seat and got into the pantry supplies. As you can see by the trail of tears running down her baking powder laden face, she was upset. What you can’t see is that so was I! I went to a car wash to use a commercial vacuum and wet wipes, but I still have a huge mess in my backseat. 
And here we are in Ohio. Yes we did get an apartment without hardwood floors, but you can’t keep a good man down. I’ll explain later.

***Full disclosure here, I had fun with this experiment, but for the record I did do some editing at home before I posted it. The phones accuracy was actually, not bad, but I ramble a lot so I cut out some and added just a couple sentences. I never actually said the word “yuckers”either, but I liked it, so I kept it that way. ***