Ezie is 9 1/2 months now, but I never did an update about his 8 months milestones (I see a trend here). Let’s forgo the excuses about why and get right to the baby talk. 
At 8 months Ezie started holding his own with table food. Here he is eating right alongside his brother and sister.
He likes chicken, fruit, bread, and mashed potatoes. Unlike my other two he never did warm up to baby food, so we just skipped the jar stuff altogether. He still nurses a lot though.
He babbles all the live long day. He can mimic some words too. He has said words that sound like hey, yeah, bye, and mama (although this one is rare). His favorite words are da da and Ezra (his name). He still hasn’t said what I would consider his first real word. 

At 8 months he also started clapping and he was trying to get around a bit more, although not full blown crawling.

He still has a very sweet, laid back temperament, but he is DEFINITELY shifting into the separation anxiety stage. Here is having a blast with the family at the creation museum.

 Lastly, he still has those baby blues. When Ezie was 2 months old I blogged about how his eyes seemed strikingly blue, more than just the blue all babies are born with. I waited to see if they would change, but as each month passed it looked more like the color was here to stay. Sure enough he has blue eyes just like his name sake. I guess they could still change, but it is highly unlikely. I am going to officially announce that we have a blue eyed baby boy.