When I was desperately seeking ways to relieve Ezie from his eczema irritation I talked to some moms whose children had food allergies and once removing the edible culprit they were cured. Since wheat is one of the more common offenders I decided to give it go and see what would happen if he stopped eating gluten altogether.

Since I still breast feed him this meant that I would stop eating gluten too.
This for the most part just meant eating healthy foods for two weeks. He could still have grains and was getting all the nutrients he needs. I would love to say that after all the effort his eczema was no where to be found. Unfortunately the two weeks came and went and we didn’t see any lasting results. So I gave up on the whole thing about 2 months ago.

Since then I have kind of missed the regimen. I noticed that in that time we were cutting back on a lot of processed foods, but still enjoying so many of the foods that we loved.

These are some of the meals and snacks I served up during that time. That’s GF pasta by the way. 

There were inconveniences for sure, but towards the end I was finally getting the hang of it. There is an app called Shop Well where you can scan food and it will warn you if it needs to be avoided. It also gives really high ratings the healthier the item is, or sometimes it just suggest an alternative. Sometimes I wanted to tell it to mind it’s own business and keep the “added sugar” comments to itself. Still, it’s a great app that’s free and you can customize it to any dietary needs.

Gluten free pancakes with OJ and maple syrup

After a while I learned how I could still sneak in some special splurges like certain types of naturally gluten free frozen yogurt, tapioca pudding, fritos, Dove’s dark chocolate, and my favorite various Ben & Jerrry’s flavors. Almost any food or restaurant website will tell you what they offer that is gluten free. It turns out Ezie and I could still go to Chic Fil A and eat chicken, fruit, lemonade, ice cream and OF COURSE the one of a kind waffle fries. The only modification is that you have to get the grilled chicken instead of breaded, but it’s still delicious. I found myself calling up my favorite gelato place or researching vitamins. Gluten is a sneaky little protein, but there a lot of alternative options, especially since it’s the latest craze.

I don’t understand all the controversial pros and cons of gluten. Sometimes I think it gets a bad wrap because it sounds too close to glutton and that makes people uncomfortable. This Jimmy Kimmel video sums it up well.

 I do have a couple of friend with Celiac disease so understand it is harmful for many people, and there are millions more that have a less serious intolerance, but all I know is that I want my family to eat healthier. I would like to see less carbs, less sugar, more vegetables and clean eating. This is what the gluten free lifestyle looked like for me. So J and I discussed it and I think we are ready to give it another try.

A gluten free kids lunch. Hebrew National hotdogs, grapes, strawberries, and rice

 Low gluten is probably a more fair description if I must label it, because I am not going to panic about the kids eating a corn dogs or easter candy. Nor will I get picky when we are eating at social gatherings. I just don’t plan on stocking up the pantry with prepackaged junk. Anyway, who knows where this journey will take us. I’ve had health kicks in the past, but J and I agree that we’ve let convenience get the best of us and we’re ready for a change. I want to get back to the place where we open up the fridge and have greens spilling out.

It’s worth a shot.