Many of you know about the precious girl that passed away 7 months ago on Thanksgiving day. She was our pastor’s granddaughter, and our dear friend’s daughter. She was basically the same age as Ezie and had a twin sister, as well as an older sister that is Z’s age. The day after she died her mother felt the Lord put it on her heart that instead of flowers or monetary gifts for the family, she wanted people to make donations to the church nursery in honor of her daughter Palmyer. The much needed renovation would be called Palmyer’s Playhouse. Since then things have grown to where they are now taking the ministry of Palymer’s Playhouse around the world with the first stop in Kenya Africa to build a play ground for an orphanage there. I am connected with the families that head up both ministries and I really cannot say enough good things about them. These are some of the most amazing people you will ever meet. This past week I participated in a fundraiser that will help Palymers Playhouse and One By One which is the missions project in Africa.
 It is so amazing to see how God is bringing healing and restoration to what was a horrible nightmare by building play areas for children in memory of this little girl. I took photos of Palmyr’s sisters last week. We included Palmyer’s favorite toy and a bib in some of the photos.

  One day we will be with her again and until then we celebrate all the beautiful things that are taking place because the family of Christ has decided to come together and make a difference.

On a similar note I have another fundraiser coming up that I am going to have to gear up and get in shape for pretty soon. I mentioned that SJ’s summer school was being paid for through a scholarship. The funding is coming from an organization called Building Blocks 4 Kids and specifically through the Jess Galley Memorial fund. My heart lept with joy and appreciation when I heard that SJ would be able to have access to the resources she needs this summer to continue progress in the area of language and communication. As I read the email it sent me to a link that showed who had made the donation and I learned that Jess Galley was a beautiful young lady going to school at University of Cincinnati to pursue a career in special education. Unfortunatley her life was tragically cut short due to a car accident in December of 2012. It is in her honor that SJ and other children with special needs are able to receive the help that they need. Isn’t that amazing? God is so good. I feel for this family, as I know what it is like to loose a loved one. I am grateful beyond words though that we can bring light to her legacy though, thanks to the generous gift they have given to SJ for her education. 
That is why I am running in this years Building Blocks 4 Kids 5K Bubble Bash Color Dash. It is my first time doing anything like this and I may not actually run, but I am going to get to the finish line! I want to do whatever I can to raise awareness and money as a chance to give back and pay it forward. If you live in the area and are interested in being a part of my team you can go to this page and sign up. The cost is $35 dollars to register and any other money raised is appreciated as it will go toward helping other children with special needs. 
I’ll definitely keep everyone posted as the event gets closer. I am delighted to be a part of some of these programs that give hope amidst the darkness all around us. It truly brings me joy.