Every week I have blogged about what’s happening on the home front over the summer. We’ve done a lot and I have one final update that I will report about soon. However, there are a lot of things I haven’t done since school let out, and I thought it would be appropriate to share those things too.

Remember the new years resolutions I wrote about at the beginning of the year? Yeah, me neither, but I looked them up and doing Fly Lady was one of them. Well, the only kind of flying I’ve done lately was our summer trip to Vermont. There has been no schedule, no cleaning, and no organizing other than the  little bit of maintenance it takes to keep our home from looking like the victim of a tornado.

Oh and remember when I talked about going Gluten free or at least eating somewhat healthy? Well, most Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream is Gluten free so that much I have stayed true to. Yeah, pretty much all bets are off this summer. Our diet would absolutely mortify Jarod, Jenny and Jillian. By which I mean the subway guy, Jenny Craig diet lady, and girl from the biggest loser.

Then there is this really cool program called Code.org where children can learn computer science. Z does  used to do the lessons all the time. The point is, it’s another one of those really wonderful ideas that just hasn’t been realistic to implement recently.

There was a time when I did cloth diapers and reusable shopping bags. There was also a time I was going to finish redoing this website! The list could go on, but do I feel bad? No. This summer I’ve handled what I can handle. This whole section of life for that matter. J has been in school full time and some overtime. I’ve been in single-mom mode and even if that wasn’t my excuse I don’t feel guilty for not being super mom/wife/woman. And of course you shouldn’t either (just in case anyone reads this and has those feelings, not that any woman ever would). I mean, it would be super if I could keep my children from coloring every inch of their bodies with a marker

or if I didn’t send the school lunches packed up in breast milk storage bags

or if I didn’t discover an old avocado in the kids room hiding among the children’s stuffed animals.

That would be super, but I’ll take what I can get. I probably shouldn’t use the word SUPER, because I am superb in many areas, perfection is more of what I am referring too. Regardless of all that I haven’t done, I feel like we’ve had a successful summer. For us today is the very last day before school starts back up. It’s a super fun Monday for us, I hope it will be for you too!