Today is Z’s birthday and I was going to do my annual post about my favorite funny moments from throughout the year, but then I realized I wanted to share this book that he wrote last year and it deserves it’s own space. Consider this part one and I’ll do the other post tomorrow.
When Z was 5 he went to New York City with my parents who he knows as MéMé and PéPé (it’s french for grandma and grandpa). It was just an over night trip, but when he was 6 he wrote this book about it completely on his own. He covered every detail through his point of view. I thought it was too cute not to share. I will translate with the correct spelling, but the way he spelled it is part of the fun so be sure to read his version.
Book Cover-
Non Fiction. Zion Goes to New York.


Page 1. Hi my name is Zion. I’ll show you my story.
*He is wearing his school walkathon shirt in the drawing


Me and MéMé and PéPé are at the airport waiting for our plane. Page 2.


Page 3. Finally our plane has arrived. We all get on it.


Page 4. It took a long time, but we still made it.
*He drew the world with the United states and the two states he was flying to.


Page 5. MéMé and PéPé went to Nintendo World. It was fun.


Page 6. PéPé decided to go the Apple store. I did not. But we still went.
*Note that Pépé is happily expressing his decision while Z says no with an exclamation, and MéMé seems indifferent with her question mark. 


*At this point in the story there is a page his little sister had previously scribbled on and Z crossed it out and wrote “not part of the book”. He had to do this multiple times.


Page 7. We went to a store. We got a shield for me
*It was FAO Schwartz and he got a Captain America Shield


Page 8. Then we went to our hotel. Our hotel has a TV.


Page 9. We watch TV in our hotel then went to bed.


Page 10. The next day we went to McDonald’s. It didn’t have a play land, but I didn’t care.


Page 11. Then we passed Time Square and went to the airport.


Page 12. We head home.


Page 13. I told my mom and dad all about New York City!!!!


*He has a lot to say. J and I look overwhelmed??


To learn more about me just call my mom or dad. My dad’s # is ____ and my mom’s is ____
*I had to cross out the numbers because he knows are numbers accurately and I don’t need to get hundreds of phone calls from people wanting to know more about the author. 
The End. Thank you.